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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mom of the Month- Oct. "In Her Shoes"

I have decided to do something new with the mom of the month!  Since the name of my company is now Mommy Movement Fitness I wanted to hear more from moms about what it is like to "be in their shoes!" 

Now the mom of the month will pick a "shoe" that they most love to walk in or wear everyday!  They will tell a little bit what it is like to be in "their" shoes! 

I think this also fits great with our Daddy Workout Days!  Once a month the dads get the chance to come see what it is like to walk or run in "a mom's" shoes during our workouts! 

This month we are honoring Jennifer S. as Mom of the Month.   She not only has a beautiful 10 month old little girl she also brings another little baby to Strollers In Motion (and she purchased a double jogging stroller to do that is commitment)!  She also helps me out with our MommyConnection Play group and she tells other moms  how much Mommy Movement Fitness has helped her in her weight loss plus how it has changed her life!

She attends almost every class and if she can't make it she will always text or email me that she won't be there!  She has also started the running club (MomsInMotion) and is up to 5 miles (with a double stroller)!  That's impressive! Good job, Jen!

Congratulations Jen you deserve it and you look amazing!  Read below why Jennifer chose high heels as her favorite shoes. Make sure you check out the cute pictures!

Before Mommy Movement Fitness pic

And hiding behind her baby

Congratulations Jennifer!!!


The path I walk.......................
First of all what is your favorite pair of shoes and why? For example if it is high heels do they make you feel sexy, taller, confident, special, are they comfortable, etc.
A:  I have two types of favorite shoes.  I'm a heels and flip flops kind of girl.  I grew up in flip flops and usually have several pair to match every outfit.  In Florida (where I'm from) flip flops can be worn with everything, you have your dress up flip flops with a little decoration or a heel and your dress down that can go from the grocery store to the beach.  My heels make me feel like a woman, I grew up in the glamorous 80s when a sexy woman wore pumps and had shoulder pads (somehow the shoulder pads didn't make it into my grown-up wardrobe).  Plus I'm short so I love anything that gives me the illusion of height.
Why do you feel you walk in these particular shoes?
A:  I love the duality of flip flops and heels.  One is so laid back while the other is so dressed up.  I think as a mom we need a little bit of fantasy to feel like we're still hot stuff, not just a mommy with spit-up on her shoulder.  At the same time we need the practicality of the flip flop because nothing is so wonderful as slipping into something easy and comfortable when you're having a long, stressful day.
The heaviest I have been

Did you start Mommy Movement Fitness to lose weight?
 A:  When I was pregnant it was a glorious time.  I had an easy pregnancy, I enjoyed my one vice (food) without shame and I relished my pregnant-princess status.  However, I could not wait to just have that baby and get on with my life!!  I always used to work out, I was very outdoorsy and tried to be athletic.  When I was pregnant I just felt tired and sluggish, I languished through life and my workouts were walks at the park.  I was looking for something I could do to get back into shape with my baby.  Discovering Mommy Movement was a godsend, I gained great companionship, I feel like a good example to my daughter and I've lost more than my pregnancy weight since I started.
30 pounds lighter and loving life

What formats do you do?  Have you done the challenge?
A: I do strollers in motion.  I love it and it adds to my day something I can look forward to since I am a stay at home mom.  I've done a challenge but I wasn't very good at the homework.  Despite that I managed to lose a few pounds and four inches! 
How has Mommy Movement Fitness changed your life and/or your families life?Be as specific as you can!
A:  MM has given me a life!  I can't think of a more productive use of my time as a stay at home mom.  If you're going to get out and socialize so you don't go crazy at home; why not get fit in the process?  I have lost almost 30 pounds and I've inspired my husband to be more consistent with his weight-loss.  He, as many husbands do, gained some pregnancy weight himself.  I feel like I've found my niche.  I've lived in Wichita for four years now and never came across a group of people who shared my love of health and fitness.  I allowed myself to get very out of shape in my new environment.  Not only did I get heavier but I felt very weak after having my daughter, I could barely climb a few stairs without huffing and puffing, now I can run 5 miles!!  She is almost a year now so we've only begun our journey.  I feel completely revitalized and ready to tackle new fitness goals.  I'm beginning to feel a sense of pride in my body again, I'm ready to slip on my heels and step out on the town ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I love the new "In Her Shoes!" Fun to find out more about Jennifer!
