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Sunday, March 6, 2011

F.I.T. Challenge blogger for the week- Ashley H.

Congratulations to Ashley H.!  She is our blogger for the week!  She is doing amazing!  If you do not know Ashley she works part time as a nurse and has three kiddos under 3 years old!!!  She is doing the best she can for herself and her family plus seeing results!  To me actions speak louder than words!!!

I understand that we are human and we may not have a great day with our eating and exercise- THAT IS OKAY!  What I want my challenge ladies to learn is to get over it and get back on track right away and choose healthy choices again!

Read all about Ashley's journey below!  Don't forget our meeting tonight at 7:15pm!

My name is Ashley Herman. I am 24 years old and have been married to Russell for almost 6 years. I have 3 kids. My twins, Taegan and Raegan, will be 2 years old in 2 weeks and Rylee is almost 8 months old. I have been working out with Tonya since the twins were 4 months old. We do her Strollers in Motion class an average of 3-4 days a week (on a good week).
Ashley and her family!  Yes, she pushes this stroller in Strollers In Motion!
 I have always “battled” my weight. And having 3 babies in 16 months didn’t help matters. During my twin pregnancy, as a medical precaution, I wasn’t allowed to workout. So I didn’t. I gained approximately 75 pounds. YIKES! Luckily most of it was water weight (at the end of my pregnancy) and went away as soon as they were born. I started working out with Tonya and was back to my pre-baby weight in a couple of months. Then I got pregnant again! And I had severe ligament pain and so I didn’t workout during my pregnancy with Rylee either. I gained 35 pounds with her. After she was born, I was at my biggest. I found a triple stroller (thanks to Tonya and Jennifer) and started back to Strollers in Motion. But the weight just was not coming off. I decided to do this challenge because I thought it would give me the extra boost I needed. I was still 20 pounds from my pre-baby weight and could stand to lose many more than that.
 Bundles of joy
I have lost 13.4 of those pounds to date. Emailing Tonya and really thinking about what I put in my mouth has really made the biggest difference. Not that we were eating horrible before, but I was doing a lot of mindless eating. It helps me to stay accountable knowing that I have to answer to Tonya and ultimately myself every Friday morning when I step on that scale. Even though I still have some pounds to go before I am completely back at my pre-baby weight, I am at the smallest (size wise) I have ever been.
Before working out with Tonya, I couldn’t run longer than a block! I am not a natural born runner at all. But I have been training and building up my endurance and I am hoping to complete my first half-marathon in May. I want to thank Tonya for all she does. It is through her encouragement that I am motivated to be F.I.T.!!

F.I.T. IN 2011,

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